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From English-Hindi Freedict Dictionary [reverse index]:

  ============ hin-eng ============
  English-Hindi Freedict Dictionary
  Author of Converter Text-XML: Michael Bunk, micha@luetzschena.de
  Edition: 1.3
  Published by: freedict.de, 2004
  Series: free dictionaries
  * From the source website:
  TITLE: English - Hindi Dictionary : Version-2.0 (with example
  DEVELOPERS: Language Technologies Research Centre, IIIT, Hyderabad,
  FUNDED BY: Satyam Computers
  URL: http://www.iiit.net/resources/overview.htm
  LICENCE: General Public Licence
  REMARKS: Developed through Voluntary Collaborative Effort. Quality
  not uniform.
  The English-Hindi Dictionary Version 2.0 contains approximately
  25,000 English headwords. For every English headword it's possible
  Hindi meanings are given. For each meaning an example sentence is
  given to show the context in which the meaning occurs. In most cases
  the example sentences are in English. But there are cases where the
  example sentences are given in Hindi.
  This dictionary has been developed through a Voluntary Collaborative
  effort. Since the contributors of the data base are from varying
  backgrounds, including school children, the quality of the content is
  not uniform. There is no claim of excellence in quality. In fact, it
  needs to be further improved. The idea here is to provide a basic
  electronic lexical data base for English- Hindi which the users can
  further improve and develop according to their needs.
  This dictionary is being released under the General Public
  Licence(GPL). This licence allows you to make copies of the
  dictionary and distribute freely. It also allows you to build on top
  of this dictionary or a part thereof and redistribute the resulting
  work. However, essentially, there is only one condition: the
  resulting work must also be licenced under GPL (See a copy of GPL
  Licence for more details).
  An effort has been made to make the entries as complete as possible.
  However, a number of entries need elaboration.There are entries which
  have their Hindi equivalents but no example sentences. There are
  entries where the English headword is given with its grammatical
  category but does not have either the Hindi meaning or an example
  sentence. There are also entries which have the english headword, its
  grammatical category, an example to show its semantic content,
  however, it does not have the Hindi equivalent for the same. These
  gaps have yet to be filled. Work will continue to complete the
  missing pieces of information. Users are invited to join the team of
  volunteers engaged in adding to and refining the dictionary. At the
  very least they can point out the errors to us.
  See the website for:
  1. Dictionary Format and Special Symbols Used.
  2. Abbreviations of the Grammatical Category Names.
  3. Data Sources.
  4. Contributors.
  5. You can contribute too!!!
  Your Valuable Feedback can be sent to dipti@iiit.net
  Source: http://www.freedict.de/
  * Sun May 30 15:55:22 2004 tei2dictxml_xml.pl: converted TEI database
  into .dict format
  * 22. November 2002 Michael Bunk: Converter written